Health Risk Assessment

In partnership with WebMD, NetCare is pleased to present the Better Health Evaluator and Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The Better Health Evaluator enables you to obtain feedback on your general health risks. WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information.


The Better Health Evaluator covers a variety of areas, including:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Tobacco Use
  3. Physical Activity
  4. Alcohol Use
  5. Stress and Depression
  6. Current Health Status
  7. Family Health History
  8. Biometric Measures

The HRA also includes questions on the stages of readiness to change for multiple behaviors. This helps to identify those individuals most willing to change their lifestyle, and allow risk management and disease prevention programs to be targeted towards these individuals.
Once you have completed the Better Health Evaluator HRA, a personal wellness report is generated which can be printed or read online. The evaluation includes a summary assessment of risk in several categories and key suggestions.
The report also showcases two important things: your healthy habits and your areas of highest risk. The rest of the report contains information and suggestions on how to strengthen those healthy behaviors and work to change and improve your unhealthy ones. All the information contained in the report are individualized based on your responses.